The Net LGBTQIA+ Baromètre: ethic considerations

The general objective of this survey, disseminated in associations and on various LGBTQIA+ dating sites and on social networks is to deepen knowledge on the sociosexual uses of the Internet and to assess its impact on preventive sexual behavior of people of sexual and gender diversity. Your participation will also contribute to deepening knowledge about the impact of COVID-19 on your emotional, social or sexual life.

This study does not involve any direct risk: it is is university research approved by the CESI/IRB Ethics Committee of INSERM.

This study satisfies the conditions of the reference methodology 004 (MR-004) defined by the National Commission for Computing and Liberties (CNIL), for the implementation carrying out research not involving human beings, studies and evaluations in the field of health. You can download this document by clicking on this link. In accordance with articles 48 and following of the Data Protection Act, you have the right to access, limit, oppose and erase the processing of data with of the study manager, by reporting the identifier of your questionnaivre which appears in the URL of your session by ?QID=XXXX .

For some of you, questions may cause some discomfort, questioning, or even cause negative reactions. A toll-free number or links to community organizations are offered at the end of the questionnaire, allowing you to obtain immediate assistance if necessary.

We remind you that:

  • You can withdraw from participation in our research at any time without giving a reason, or suffering any consequences. You can therefore abandon the questionnaire whenever you want.
  • Participating in this research can give you the opportunity to reflect on your life experience. Also, by contributing in some way to improving knowledge about sexual health with regard to new sociosexual perspectives opened up by the Internet, this knowledge will allow community workers and health personnel to better understand your specific needs and adapt their interventions to your realities.
  • Aside from the inconvenience of giving time to complete this questionnaire, there is no direct risk in participating in this survey carried out as part of university research. risks of inconvenience and discomfort are limited to embarrassment in discussing sexual topics. However, certain questions may trigger the memory of painful events. In this case, you can always reach our team by email, which will direct you to resources available in LGBTQIA+ communities or in the health or social services network.
  • Furthermore, we ensure the anonymity of your participation and the confidentiality of the information provided. This anonymous database will be physically kept for two years, after which it will be destroyed. The data is stored on secure servers of the CNRS TGIR. The database does not contain your I.P address. We do not generate cookies on your computer.

This research is carried out by the CNRS represented by Alain Léobon, Researcher at the Joint Research Unit ESO Spaces and Societies, in partnership with the observatory of AIDS and sexualities of the Free University from Brussels. Any request for information may be sent to Alain Léobon.