The 2022edition of the Net LGBTQIA+ Baromètre: a renewed knowledge acquisition tool
Renewed every three years, the Net LGBTQIA+ Baromètre (NGB) has become, over the course of its editions, a powerful tool for knowledge and data collection on the evolution of lifestyles, sexuality and prevention of HIV and STIs of men (cis and trans) who have sex with men (cis and trans) or with trans women, and of any other person of sexual and gender diversity in France and in Canada.
With 16 themes, the NGB is one of the largest surveys concerning people of sexual and gender diversity.It allows respondents to report their experiences on: 1) their use of the web and social networks for dating purposes 2) the development or sustainability of social, emotional or sexual relationships with partners encountered (or not) through the Internet, whether they are a) couple partners, b) casual partners (female and/or male), or c) partners in the context of sex work 3) the disclosure of their sexual orientation to relatives and friends, particularly on social networks 4) belonging to ethnic minorities 5) their couple life with a male partner 6) relationships developed with casual partners 7) risky sexual practices and sexual behaviors with casual partners 8) contexts for the development of a “bareback” sexuality 9) consumption of alcohol and psychoactive substances 10) engaging in paid sex 11) HIV and HCV testing, follow-up and de-escalated treatment 12) risk reduction, knowledge and adoption of diversified prevention 13) STIs contracted in the past 12 months 14) their psychological, interpersonal and social health, addressed particularly through a) body image, and b) risk taking in life in general 15) their feeling of discrimination or the perception of negative attitudes towards their sexual orientation / their gender / their serological status (HIV) / their ethnocultural origins / their appearance including excess weight / their age / their social class, but also their religion or their beliefs, by looking at the spaces where these objects operate (at school, at work, in their neighborhood, in the LGBTQIA+ community, on the Internet, in medical institutions or in public space, etc.) 16) their health concerns, questioned by level of intensity regarding physical, mental, relational or sexual health and 17) for trans people, the journey and process of their transition and 18) for cis women or trans men, reproductive health.
The renewal of the studie in 2022 has enriched the study of new questions making it possible to assess the impact of COVID-19 on: 1) one’s professional activity, income, living environment and place of residence, 2) one’s life couple, 3) the use of the Internet for social or dating purposes, 4) one’s sexuality with regular or casual partners, 5) one’s frequentation of places for socializing and LGBTQIA+ meetings, 6) one’s consumption of alcohol or 7) other psychoactive substances, 8) sex work, 9) risk reduction applied to COVID-19 (and its variation depending on relational context), 10) perceived stress in a pandemic context (i.e., in a situation of looser quarantine and social distancing measures), 11) the more general impact of quarantine on one's mental health.
The Net LGBTQIA+ Baromètre 2022, under the shadow of COVID-19, therefore wishes to constitute a large sample of respondents, a “convenience” sample, carefully scanning the various sub-minority sex cultures, by relying on the community sector, on LGBTQIA+ dating sites, and by integrating users of social networks and mobile applications.
With 16 themes, the NGB is one of the largest surveys concerning people of sexual and gender diversity.It allows respondents to report their experiences on: 1) their use of the web and social networks for dating purposes 2) the development or sustainability of social, emotional or sexual relationships with partners encountered (or not) through the Internet, whether they are a) couple partners, b) casual partners (female and/or male), or c) partners in the context of sex work 3) the disclosure of their sexual orientation to relatives and friends, particularly on social networks 4) belonging to ethnic minorities 5) their couple life with a male partner 6) relationships developed with casual partners 7) risky sexual practices and sexual behaviors with casual partners 8) contexts for the development of a “bareback” sexuality 9) consumption of alcohol and psychoactive substances 10) engaging in paid sex 11) HIV and HCV testing, follow-up and de-escalated treatment 12) risk reduction, knowledge and adoption of diversified prevention 13) STIs contracted in the past 12 months 14) their psychological, interpersonal and social health, addressed particularly through a) body image, and b) risk taking in life in general 15) their feeling of discrimination or the perception of negative attitudes towards their sexual orientation / their gender / their serological status (HIV) / their ethnocultural origins / their appearance including excess weight / their age / their social class, but also their religion or their beliefs, by looking at the spaces where these objects operate (at school, at work, in their neighborhood, in the LGBTQIA+ community, on the Internet, in medical institutions or in public space, etc.) 16) their health concerns, questioned by level of intensity regarding physical, mental, relational or sexual health and 17) for trans people, the journey and process of their transition and 18) for cis women or trans men, reproductive health.
The renewal of the studie in 2022 has enriched the study of new questions making it possible to assess the impact of COVID-19 on: 1) one’s professional activity, income, living environment and place of residence, 2) one’s life couple, 3) the use of the Internet for social or dating purposes, 4) one’s sexuality with regular or casual partners, 5) one’s frequentation of places for socializing and LGBTQIA+ meetings, 6) one’s consumption of alcohol or 7) other psychoactive substances, 8) sex work, 9) risk reduction applied to COVID-19 (and its variation depending on relational context), 10) perceived stress in a pandemic context (i.e., in a situation of looser quarantine and social distancing measures), 11) the more general impact of quarantine on one's mental health.
The Net LGBTQIA+ Baromètre 2022, under the shadow of COVID-19, therefore wishes to constitute a large sample of respondents, a “convenience” sample, carefully scanning the various sub-minority sex cultures, by relying on the community sector, on LGBTQIA+ dating sites, and by integrating users of social networks and mobile applications.